Must Read Books
Quick reads that can change Your life in big ways
Aren’t we all trying to become the best version of ourselves? No matter where we are in life, there’s a chance we could be a little better with our finances, devoting more time to our faith walk, tidying up our home or, just believing in our capabilities and ourselves. I believe that the talents and opportunities we have are God's gift to us, and what we accomplish with those talents and opportunities is our gift to God. Here are a few books that I’ve come across over the years that have made me dig deep, challenge myself and transform in result of them. Not to mention these are great gift ideas for a newlywed or graduate in your life.
be your best self
Is there “that thing” that you’ve always wanted to do, but never actually prioritized the time and took the steps to do it? Mine was starting a lifestyle blog, and look what happened after reading these books. Here we are! Rachel has an incredible way of bringing those goals, passions and dreams to the front of your mind and saying if not now, when? When we get lost in the hustle and bustle of every day life, we can go into survival mode and lose the drive to accomplish our goals and do what makes us happy. This series makes you prioritize yourself and figure out what deep down drives you to improve every day.
Grab Girl, Wash your Face: Here and Girl, Stop Apologizing: Here
STart your day on a positive note
I’ve been starting my morning with this devotional every day for over 8 years. I’ve heard from so many people that these messages were exactly what they needed to hear to help them get through a tough time, or when they were in need for some encouragement, hope, comfort, or reassurance. The devotions are written as if Jesus himself were speaking directly to each reader. I have the hard copy and digital version on Apple Books so it’s easy to access on my phone when traveling. I find myself often sending screenshots of daily messages to loved ones when the message resonates with something they are going through. This is a great resource to spend some quiet, focused time in the morning connecting with your faith before jumping into your busy day.
Check out the Hard Covers & Audio Books: Here
living debt free
I know finances aren’t the most fun thing to talk about, but one of the key drivers of stress in households and individuals is debt. Over 80% of Americans last year reported having some form of debt and 78% reported living paycheck to paycheck. Student loans, mortgages, car payments and credit card debt have become the societal norm. But what if there were actionable, easy to follow steps to help you get debt free? That’s what I discovered with Dave Ramsey. Between his books, podcasts and Financial Peace University classes there are many avenues to receive this 7-Step Plan to becoming debt free. After reading Total Money Makeover, my life completely changed. I realized the importance of knowing where every dollar is going and sticking to a monthly budget. I use the Mint App to keep track of my expenses, budgets and credit report. And the Betterment App to manage my online investments. Both apps are easy to use and very helpful to keep you on track of your financial goals! After reading the book and working through the baby steps, I make a point of listening to one of his podcasts a day to stay focused and energized.
Purchase The Total Money Makeover: Here
getting organized
I have always tried to keep a clean and organized home but had no idea how easy it could become until Marie Kondo came into my life. Like most, I discovered her through the Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. Her philosophies are simple, if you no longer need it or if it doesn’t bring you joy it has to go. Of the belongings that make the cut, everything has an assigned place. Say good bye to your beloved junk drawer and that chair that hosts the laundry you don’t want to put away! See my post on Space Saving Solutions for some of the ways I applied her principles to live a clutter free life.
Pick up a copy for yourself: Here